Life Serve Youth Foundation reaches out to youth who need our camp the most. We offer our sleepaway summer tennis camp to teens with limited financial means between the ages of 12 and 17 years old. Many of the teens we serve have never left their hometown.

Our Value to the Teens

While many kids look forward to the summer months, for low-income youth, this can be a particularly difficult time. With many summer enrichment opportunities out of reach, the options are limited. Our camp is not only free of charge (most of our campers waive the $175 registration fee), but it is the preferred choice during the summer months for low-income youth who love to play tennis.

91% of campers’ families are within $50,000 of USDA guidelines for free or reduced lunch.

Where we serve them

We serve teens in New York City, Boston, New Haven, Connecticut, and the Albany region. Since our inception, 137 unique teens have enjoyed all that our tennis sleepaway camp has to offer. These summers mean transformation, growth, and stimulation for each child.

We always want to serve more teens in more places, of course, so please contact us if you would like to partner with us so we can serve teens in your area.